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Sruthy Satyanath

Micro-Learning To Overcome Skills Training Challenges And Enhance L&D

Being in a need-specific and super busy world, learning has to be concise, crisp, bite-sized, and accessible from anywhere, anytime.

Micro-learning feeds the learners with information through short courses and modules.

The major advantage is its flexibility which gives the learners the choice to take the courses as and when needed. It helps in training while onboarding without flooding the new hires with information. This makes micro-learning so important and the need of the hour.

Micro-learning includes short nugget-sized modules spanning 3 to 6 minutes which are either part of a large repository or independent modules, focused specifically on a particular skill or addressing a specific topic. Micro-learning has been around for ages. It is a proven efficient adult-learning tool, especially for continuous learning and upgrading for those senior employees who take up these modules on a need-to-learn basis.

micro learning step by step
Troopin' it, one nugget at a time

In the Business Context

Corporates are increasingly using micro-learning for formal and informal training. Micro-learning offers many benefits to the organisation and learners. It’s one of the most powerful tools that strive to provide consistent opportunities for team members to develop their skills. It enables workers to learn new things every day, putting learning resources at their fingertips when they need them, and in the best scenarios, where they need them. For those who want to create a rapid curriculum, micro-learning is invaluable.

The advent of cutting-edge innovation implies that micro-learning is accessible to anybody with a cell phone, tablet, PC, or work area. Such learning, obviously, necessitates that the learning resources be planned explicitly for microlearning. As such, the interaction should be more than lumping up existing learning into more modest pieces. A strong instructional design is still crucially significant, where learning destinations, learners' needs, and inventiveness all meet up to frame content that will be important and valuable to the individuals who draw in with it. Progressed nicely, the learning will likewise be accessible, so learners aren't investing energy which is inefficient and frustrating.

Learning hypothesis in the present world will say that individuals have exceptionally limited capacity to focus. This is being demonstrated on numerous occasions. Micro-learning exploits that idea and fits it into something exceptionally captivating and effectively open across various stages. It very well may be an infographic that can be read on the web or printed off and set at a workstation or work area. It very well may be a short movement or video. The thought is that it's effectively absorbable in a brief timeframe.

To stay pertinent to the twenty-first-century business, corporate learning is moving its concentration from learning for learning’s sake to learning to work better. The present strategies for staff training subsequently need to change to consider these non-customary ways to deal with learning as pertinent to their organisations and overall revenues. With future staff training methods, the content will not be recommended for every individual.

All things considered, the employees and their managers will develop individualized content specific for his or her job role and career development. Microlearning assignments would then be able to be individualized to empower the employees to successfully and rapidly close the gaps in knowledge transfer.

Younger learners will increasingly be joining the workforce, so it’s time for industries across the board to meet their training needs. Companies that do will find themselves ahead of the curve, with employees who are engaged in training and can recall what they’ve learned.

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